Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Navy Yard shooter on medication

/rant on

The lack of attention to this latest mentally ill man's treatment is making me angry. It's also making me lose compassion for my fellow citizens. IF you lack the basic awareness to recognize the utter disregard for common sense solutions that do NOT exceed safe levels that pervades so much of the health care system (at the behest of big insurance & big pharma!) then you deserve whatever lazy method of 'over-kill' that the system drowns you with!

There is this whole mindset of "if a little is good then a LOT is BETTER" that is ruining 1)our minds! 2)our doctors! 3)our health care system!

It's not true!

Think about this with a smidge of common sense - if a tap of the riding crop at the final turn of a big race makes the horse go faster....does that mean beating his skin off with the crop will make him FLY?

That's just silly, right?

So is the idea of giving antibiotics for EVERY sniffle, cough or scrape! In larger & larger doses, too!

So is the idea of treating a mental illness or imbalance whose source or cause is NOT yet clear with heavy doses of mind-altering chemicals!


If a doctor doesn't know what is CAUSING someone to hear voices (or behave aggressively), then would it make sense to prescribe massive amounts of drugs that can, as a SIDE EFFECT, cause one to hallucinate, increase anger or depression, consider suicide, or intensify one's sense of impending doom?!?

Please understand me, I am NOT vilifying the doctors here! They are wrapped ever-so-tightly in a silken cocoon of restrictions & demands laid on them by Big Insurance & Big Pharma. Between the malpractice fees they HAVE TO pay in order to practice, & the hoops they have to jump through in order to bill our insurance for services, it's a miracle we have ANY doctors at all! Let's not discuss the massive incentives laid out there by the pharmaceutical companies that offer easily-gained monetary solutions to the tsunami of fees these doctors face!

But the doctors DO have the education & sense to stand up & be a voice of reason AGAINST all this excess "care" promoted by insurance parameters & pharma's research needs. They face a dilemma & they have to make a choice. They can either take the lazy route & simply follow the guidelines laid out by those who are NOT health care professionals! OR...they can take a stand & raise their voices with the people for whom they seek to care!

That means WE have to educate ourselves & make our voices HEARD! That means we have to let our doctors know that we support them, trust them & NEED them. We need them to make a choice...

A simple choice - speak WITH us or fail to care FOR us!

Does anyone else see what I'm seeing here? Or do I need some heavy doses of mind-altering medications, hmm?

/rant off

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